澳洲代写assignment 代写英国assignment Assignment格式 如何写assignment


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Y一代是指在1982年到1993年之间出生的,这一代是非传统,通过高水平科技的连通性,消费主义和想与他们消费的一切交互。(Delloit, 2009 )。Y时代是一个现在公共关系从业人员需要去了解的公众群体,因为它是如此之大,因此,随着其成员在成长阶段逐渐成长。他将产生强大的影响。在目前青少年的生活舞台,Y时代的人们都要规避风险,不要信任大众媒体,最好能通过口碑推广,名人推荐,响亮而快速的视觉效果和广告,反映他们的生活方式和在幽默和情感方面的核心价值观。(Linda P. Morton,2002)
保险总是作为一个产品传播风险的严重性而被确定下来,但在个体人群中间存在着低概率的损失,因此,保险为所有人提供金融保护。(Mehr and Cammack ,1976)
Kunreuther, (1979)提到保险是很有意义的,主要在购买时对潜在的灾难性大损失进行保护,例如,一个大型事故责任的判断,或家中负责家庭的顶梁柱死亡。然而,发现这个明智的产品很难在保险行业销售。
Y时代-The generation Y   
The generation Y birth years is at between 1982 to 1993, there are non traditional, and high level of connectivity through technology, consumerism and like to interact with everything they consume. (Delloit, 2009 )Gen Y is a public that public relations practitioners need to understand now because it is so large and will, thus, have a powerful influence as its members grow through life stages. In their present adolescent life stage, Gen Ys are risk adverse, mistrustful of mass media and can best be reached through word-of-mouth promotion, celebrity testimonials, loud and quick visuals, and advertisements that reflect their lifestyles and core values in humorous and emotional ways. (Linda P. Morton,2002)
Insurance is always determine as a product that spreads the risk of serious, but low-probability, losses among a group of individuals, therefore it provide the financial protection to all people.(Mehr and Cammack ,1976)
Kunreuther, (1979)mention that insurance makes good sense, mainly when the protection is purchased against potential losses so large as to be disastrous, for example, a large accident liability judgment, or death of primary family breadwinner. However, it is recognize that this sensible product is hard to sell in the insurance industry.
Kotler, (1973) said the insurance can be categorize to an "unsought goods," along with products for example the preventive dental services and burial plots. He notes that unsought goods form special challenges to the marketer.
Kunreuther (1979) "It is not the magnitude of a potential loss that inspires people to buy insurance voluntarily – it is the frequency with which a loss is likely to occur".
Slovic, Fischhoff, Lichtenstein, Corrigan, and Combs (1977) found that citizens were prefer to buy life insurance against small, high-probability losses than insurance against large, low-probability losses, Hershey and Schoemaker (1980) reported the opposite result.
马来西亚的人寿保险-Life insurance of Malaysia
Omar (2005) found that Malaysian is lack of trust and confidence on Life Insurance Company. Insurance is implicit by most people to be significant to a well-functioning economy (Pritchett et al., 1996). In order to prevent the payment of unpredicted losses, insurance promote security into personal and business situation. It also serves as a source of credit as no financial institution would like to borrow money to the customer for buying of capital goods.
Michael L. Smith (1982) said that a life insurance contract provides a package of options or rights to the insured that is not precisely change by any other combination of commonly available contracts.
购买决策-Purchase decision
The buyer purchase decision process has several stage , firstly, the buyer would start from the need recognition through the information gathering and evaluate wisely on alternative brands in order to choose the best services for the insurance company. The customer will process the information and evaluate the alternatives by comparing the factors or decision benefits from the previous experience., values and expectations (Terrell G. Williams and Mark E. Slama, 1995). Therefore, the variety of characteristic of the product or service in evaluating purchase alternatives will vary for different customer and influence the customer purchase evaluation and selection (Engel et al., 1993).
Kotler et al. (1999) point out that between evaluation of alternatives and purchase decisions, the customer will form buying intention at the beginning .Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) verify that buying intention could be taken as an important index to predict consumer behavior. Thus, purchase intention is the second important element fot the consumer to purchase life insurance.
Evaluative criteria are likely to be important forces to influencing consumer response to market stimuli. Although market mavens are known to be a person with good knowledge and have many market information from a variety of sources including advertising, and research has known some of the store and product attributes that mavens talk about (Higie et al., 1987), little is specifically known about the criteria that mavens consider important in making their own buying decisions or whether the criteria differ from those applied by no mavens. Any attempt to communicate with mavens should be built on an understanding of relevant brand and channel evaluative selection criteria (Terrell G. Williams and Mark E. Slama, 1995).
In order to understand consumer ethical decision-making, there are four-component model, which explain the individual ethical decision-making. (Rest, 1979). The model explain that an individual must:
Recognize the moral issue;
Make a moral judgement
Establish moral intent;
Implement moral action during the ethical decision making and behavior process.
Individual would not consider the product in seclusion when making decision to buy the service, they understand the new information lightly.(Plous ,1993) Most of the customer start from a low information base on sustainable consumption, their internal search may fail to supply the information necessary for decision making. The consumer's internal search is enhanced by feelings towards products that have been portrayed in an attractive context. It involves high effort when the external search is necessary. (Hoyer and MacInnis, 2004). The consumers' decision making can be influence by the past experience of the product or service usage and the brand loyalty and others factors.
According to Bocock (1993, p. 111) once consumer desired aroused, it is hard to control socially: "as more and more groups in the world become aware of the goods on offer by having their desires stimulated, formed and articulated by mass media and modern advertising, so the number of people who form their sense of purpose and identity through "consumption" expands" (Chaney, 1996).
Information search intention: summarizing consumer behavior and purchasing behavior from Nicosia (1968), Howard (1989), Engel et al. (1993), and naming relevant information/news parts as a search for information. When a consumer knows what is his or her demand, they would start searching for the relevant information. That means, a consumer reads about relevant product information through the advertising or billboard and they will compares differences among alternative products or service, and spends more time on product searching (McQuarrie and Muson, 1992). Thus, when the consumer desires to purchase a product they would search the information through advertising or other resources.
Friedman and Smith (1993) find out in their research regarding service that when consumer selects a service and his/her involvement increases, he/she will search for further information and data. Goldsmith and Emmert (1991) mention that service or product involvement plays a significant role in consumer behavior. The customer will search for further information when his/her involvement level is increases. Petty et al. (1983) adopt the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and discover that high product or service involvement; brand attitude and purchase intention has a much higher correlation than that of low product involvement.
服务质量-Service Quality
Service quality is defined as the customer's impression of the relative inferiority/superiority of a service provider and its services (Bitner and Hubert,1994) and is often considered similar to the customer's overall attitude towards the company (Parasuraman et al., 1988, Zeithaml, 1988, Bitner, 1990; Evangelos Tsoukatos and Graham K. Rand , 2006 ). Grönroos (1983) describes service quality as both technical and functional, the first meaning what the customer gets and the latter how the customer receives the service. When a customer assesses service quality, the company's profile or image acts a "filter". If a company has a positive image, it is easier to overlook smaller mistakes in its service delivery; to regard them as temporary disturbances.#p#分页标题#e#
Services are intangible, they cannot be reworked or returned and, more important, the customer trusts the service provide by the agent and expect receive a good service. (Jay Kandampully and Liam Butler, 2001). Gronroos (1982) considers services as products requiring, the consumer will compare their expectation about the service with what they receive when the customer involve in the process of production and consumption .The result of this comparison is perceived service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988). Gronroos (1982) suggests that the consumers' expectations are also influenced by marketing activities, external influences such as word-of-mouth. He identifies two types of service quality which is "technical", it is about what the customer gain from a service and "functional", associated with how the service is provide.
Lehtinen and Lehtinen (1991) divided quality into input and output. The output consists of total service offering in terms of quality, and the input includes both tangibles and intangibles elements. The output is what the customer pay for associate with the quality, which is to a large extent in tangible and may be difficult to quantify (Adam et al., 1995).
Besides that, Berry et al (1985) separate the service quality into two types, which are the regular services, and handling of problems to ensure that appropriate procedures are taken to deal with unavoidable failures. The customer satisfaction is arising when the customer perception of performance greater than the expected performance. (Oliver,1980)
The consumers will purchase the life insurance when they feel the service provide by agents are good, so that the service quality play a important role in consumer purchase decision-making. Services are often "intangible" and therefore it is difficult for the agents to explain and for the customer to assess. The expectations, which are created by marketing, affect the customer's perception of the outcome (Bo Edvardsson, 1998). Customers have different values and different grounds for judgment; therefore the buyer will give return when they felt satisfied (Bo Edvardsson, 1998)
Today there are many competitors in the insurance industry; this cause the customer difficult to choose the company they want to buy, Therefore, which company able to provide excellent service will achieve the popularly and might able to get attention from the customer to purchase the life insurance.
According to the study, the service quality plays an important role in the market, therefore the insurance agents must have a good skill in service. Figure 2.3 shows the characteristics of each of the eight service types, in terms that are relevant to contact staff skills and abilities, contact, customer participation and the predictability or otherwise of the customer perception (Les Galloway and Sam Ho, 1996).
Kuhlemeyer and Allen (1999) find out that consumer satisfaction towards the life insurance products is largely depend on the customer trust on the agents in contrast to those who purchase direct from the insurance companies.
According to Crosby et al. (1990), the lack of attentiveness of many services of which insurance is one, increases the value of the persons responsible for delivering them. A service-encounter or moment of truth (Normann 1983), happen whenever the buyer interacts directly with any contact person. Frequently, the service salesperson is the primary—if not sole-contact point for the customer both before and after the purchase (the salesperson is the company). Therefore, the agents is the one who control the level of service quality delivered.
Insurance sales agents must understand completely about the customers' needs and wants as well as build a trusting relationship between themselves and their customer to build up the long-term mutually beneficial relationship (Crosby, Evans & Cowles 1990). Good service will influence Customers' willing to recommend the service provider. A firm's consistent offer of reliable service is indeed the most notable factor that eases a customer's behavioral intention to recommend the firm (Corin and Morris, 1989).
The conceptual establishment for the SERVQUAL scale was resulting from the works of a handful of researcher who have examined the meaning of service quality (Sasser ,Olsen, and Wyckoff ,1978; Gronross 1982,Lethinen 1982) and from a comprehensive qualitative research study that define the service quality and illuminated the dimension along which consumer perceive and evaluate service quality .(Parasuraman Zeithaml,and Berry 1985). The five dimension of service quality, seek to be excellent in tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Berry et al., 1989). SERVQUAL is a concise multiple item scale with good reliability and validity that the agents can use to understand well on the service expectation and perception of customer.( Parasuraman Zeithaml,and Berry 1988).
Brand can be defined as a name or a symbol, and it's associated with the products and emotional characteristic. Besides that, Customer intended to identify the goods or services of one seller in order to differentiate them with those competitor (A. Seetharaman, Zainal Azlan Bin ...., 2001)
Successful brand management focuses on the formation and development of added values (de Chernatony and McDonald, 1998) so that the customer can interrelate and integrate with the brand and the company (de Chernatony, 1999). Powerful service brands correspond their values through every point of contact they have with customers in a services marketing context. (Cleaver, 1999). Therefore, service companies should always pursue uniqueness in performing and communicating service, contact frequently with customers and internalize the brand for service providers in order to build retention and faithfulness with customers (Berry, 2000).
Besides that, Dodds et al. (1991) also states that a consumer who lacks knowledge about the product might use brand name to make a decision to evaluate the product. Brand name are valuable assets that help communicate quality and evoke specific knowledge structures associate with the brand.(Hoyer and brown ,1990 ;Keller,1993). It is argued also that customer' brand attitudes normally depend on the attributes and advantages of the brand (Chang, 2006).
品牌资产-Brand Equity
Brand equity define as the dissimilarity in consumer response to marketing activity for one brand over another, or over an unknown brand (Keller,1993; Hoeffler and Keller, 2003). That difference can be either positive or negative, with the latter leading to negative brand equity. Brand equity afforded by a strong brand name provides value to buyer and seller (Cobb-Walgren et al...,1995).
品牌信任-Brand trust
The brand trust construct is variously defined as: "a generalised expectancy held by an individual that the word of another can be relied on" (Rotter,1967); "the extent to which a person is confident in, and willing to act on the basis of the words, actions, decisions of others" (Mc Allister,1995); and, uniquely in the consumer domain, "the willingness of the average consumer to rely on the ability of the brand to perform its stated function" (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001).
Nowadays, many companies urge to create the brand trust toward consumers but have tried to create and maintain the precursor to brand equity, brand loyalty (Geoffrey L. Gordon and Timothy W. Aurand, 2004).
品牌忠诚度-Brand loyalty
Brand loyalty means not only to one's intend to repurchase the same brand time after time, but also to have rational promise or attitudinal bias toward the brand (Denise D. Schoenbachler, Geoffrey L. Gordon and Timothy W. Aurand,2004 ). If an individual are loyal to the brand, he /she is less likely to switch even when a better offer comes along. Building brand loyalty has taken frequent forms over time. Initially, mass awareness advertising campaigns were used almost exclusively to build a brand's image, with hopes that a strong brand image would be enough to establish brand loyal customers (Wells et al., 2003).
The relationship between loyalty in purchase behavior and higher market share has been documented (Fader and Schmittlein, 1993), as has the belief that loyal customers will pass on positive recommendation about brands ,less price sensitive and willing to increase money spend with the company. (Dowling and Uncles,1997).
Brand loyalty also reflects an attitudinal aspect (Newman and Werbel, 1973). Firstly, Jacoby and Kyner (1973) defined brand loyalty having six necessary conditions.
The six condition of brand loyalty as bellow:
The biased (i.e. nonrandom);
Behavioral response (i.e. purchase);
expressed over time;
By some decision-making unit;
With respect to one or more alternative brands out of a set of such brands; and
Is a function of psychological processes.
The key differentiation between repeat buying behaviors.
Kalyanaram and Little (1994) found that brand-loyal customers have a wider range of acceptable prices. They advocate that brand loyal customers may have an internal reference price of whatever that brand charges, and judge other brands from that reference price.#p#分页标题#e#
品牌知名度-Brand awareness
Brand names play an important role to influence the consumer to purchase the product because Brand names play an integral role in the marketing of goods and services. With good brand name, the marketer able to create high levels of brand awareness, stimulate strong consumer preference and contribute to the success of the product (Chan and Huang, 1997). In fact, many note the significant of brand names in consumer evaluations of brands, therefore, brand names help the consumer in recalling brand benefits (Janiszewski and van Osselaer, 2000), in making product inferences and evaluations (Zinkhan and Prenshaw, 1994) and they play an important role in reputation and choice (Holden and Vanhuele, 1999).
口碑-Word Of Mouth
Word-of-mouth is defined as person to person communication about goods and services (Walker, 1995). It is a dominant persuasive force (Silverman, 1997), particularly in the spread of information about new products (Arndt, 1967). The word-of-mouth literature categorizes the relationship between the two communicating consumers based on "tie-strength" (Brown and Reingen, 1987).As noted earlier in this paper, consumers consider word-of-mouth sources of information as especially important in the pre-purchase evaluation of services (Murray, 1991). In fact, it is argued that a single positive WOM communication can result in the formation of a favorable attitude toward the brand (Swanson and Kelley, 2001) implying uncontrolled communications can exert considerable influence on consumer brand decisions.
社会影响-Social Influence
Social can define as "the whole people who live together on the same land and who collaborate to obtain their basic needs, community" (TDK ,1992, p. 1484). Social can be regarded as an interaction process between classes, an existence that is self-sufficient and continues itself, a socio-cultural event, a social and a theoretical system. According to Kongar (1985) , it is a social community that lasts longer than human life, that has relative stability and that it continues. The individuals that make a society are always in interaction among themselves (Bulent Yilmaz, 2001).The most important social influences are culture, subculture, social class, family, and interpersonal or reference group influences.
There are a limited number of cross-cultural studies on family decision making, but the few which exist suggest that there are differences in influence patterns between cultures (e.g. Hempel, 1974; Lee et al., 1997; Pervan and Lee, 1998).
Culture refers to the values, ideas, attitudes, and symbols that people use to communicate, interpret, and interact as members of society. The process of absorbing a culture is called socialization. (McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2007). The demand for life insurance in a country may be influence by the distinctive culture of the country to the level that it affects the population's risk aversion (Douglas and Wildavski, 1982). Henderson and Milhouse (1987) argue that an individual's religion can provide an insight into the individual's behaviour; and understanding religion is an important part of understanding a nation's unique culture. Also, Zelizer (1979) explain that religion historically has provided a strong source of cultural opposition to life insurance as many religious people trust that a dependence on life insurance results from a suspect of God's protecting care. Wasaw and Hill (1986) tested the effect of Islam on life insurance consumption using an international data set. The results of their study point out that, ceteris paribus, Islamic consumers purchase less life insurance than those in non-Islamic consumers.
According to Bond (1987), loyalty is considered to be a good morality by the Chinese. The Chinese have been taught to place their loyalty to their family and relatives when they are young. Chinese consumers would tend to stay loyal to the same service provider. This is because switching would cause to be a loss of face to the provider, an unfavorable move that a Chinese customer would choose to evade.
In addition, Buddhists or Taoists also have tendency towards seeking religious divinations when it comes to making decisions in complicated life situations (Khoo, 1996). This shows that the Chinese may have a certain level of danger awareness. Therefore they are have a higher level of uncertainty avoidance than the Malays.
Islam is regarded as an inseparable part of Malay ethnicity and is embedded in its culture (Li 1989). According to Bedlinton (1971; 1974), "the Malay idea of rezeki, or belief in the predetermination of man's economic destiny, results in fatalism and a lack of will to go on striving." As a result of placing their full trust in Allah to provide for them in times of want and distress, Malays are reported to avoid buy the life insurance policies. A study by Yeo (1997) found that the Malays had the lowest levels of brand loyalty and perceived risk as compared to the Chinese.
A family is defined as "a group of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption and live together as a household" (Lawson et al., 1996). Several studies in family decision making have investigated the relative amount of impudence exerted by family members and their affect at each stage of the decision-making process (e.g. Ferber and Lee, 1974; Haley, Overholser and Associates, Inc., 1975; Davis, 1970; 1971; Beatty and Talpade, 1994; Na et al., 1998; Lee and Marshall, 1998). Influence involves actions by family members that make a difference during the decision process (Beatty and Talpade, 1994). Marketers are interested in knowing the consumer behaviour of the family because it is consider the most significant decision making and consumption unit (Assael, 1998).children have less influence on decision making for products or service that are used by the entire family, especially for high cost products such as life assurance (Foxman and Tansuhaj, 1988).
Demographical factor is that factor which has the greatest effect in the purchase decision of the product and especially if that product is life insurance product. Occupational factor (service/business), Age factor, Gender, Marital status factor and Income level and others influence the buying decision. (Amit Shrivastava and Bhuwan Shrivastava, 2007).
Skinner and Dubinsky establish that employment status of the wife and education of the husband distinguish mostly between which family member(s) is responsible for insurance purchasing decision. Other important variables include family income, and husband's occupation.
The difference in the degree the spouses are educated has a profound effect on the degree of influence exerted by the spouses. More is the degree of the educational qualification of a spouse, as compared to his/her counterpart, more is the degree of dominance in the decision making process by that partner. .(Arpan Kumar Kar and Amaresh Kumar,2009) . Education is always seen as an empowering resource which plays a significant role in the dynamics of the decision making process. (Arpan Kumar Kar and Amaresh Kumar,2009) .Furthermore, Propper (2000) mention that good health is more important to the individual who has more education.
The difference in ages of the spouses is found to have a profound influence in the marital power of the decision making process. It has been found that the older age of a partner in a family than the other member, greater is the powerful of that partner in all the decision making processes. (Arpan Kumar Kar and Amaresh Kumar,2009).
According to Deborah S. Levy and Christina Kwai-Choi Lee, both male and female partners may have different priorities and perceptions in the purchase decision-making process. A comprehensive study has been done by William J Quallis, in the particular area, where he discusses both the roles of the genders, in a family, and the context of such roles in a purchase decision. Earlier studies discuss the consumer decision making have inherently assumed that one individual in a family, most often the wife, makes all of the consumption choices for the family (Krampf, 1993).
Advertising is an important instrument for service marketers to promote their services to consumers, and perceived risk can be decrease by ensuring that the advertisement contains tangible cues associated with the service as indicators of the level of quality (Herrington and Henley, 2000). Since consumers often find that is hard to understand about the service offerings, they prefer to have attractive information such as a description or dramatization of the service encounter and truthful cues (H.C. Susan Tai, 2004). However, the value of using more informational appeal by service advertising is still unverified (Stafford, 1996). For instance, Grove et al. (1995) found that service ads include more informational and factual cues, whereas Abernethy and Butler (1992a,b) and Culter and Javalgi (1993) reported that services actually use less informational cues in their advertisements. Further, Zinkhan et al. (1992) finalize that services use transformational appeals more than informational appeals.
加强地方文化的价值观-Reinforce Values of local culture
That advertising messages should be matching with the values of local culture (Zhang and Gelb, 1996; Boddewyn et al., 1986; Belk et al.,1985; Harris, 1984; Hornik, 1980; Buzzell, 1968). Pollay and Gallagher (1990) summarized this position by noting that cultural values are the core of advertising messages and typical advertisements endorse, glamorize and strengthen cultural values. In addition, empirical studies have found that advertisements is more easier to accepted by the people rather than ignore it according to the local cultural value. (Gregory and Munch, 1997; Taylor et al., 1997; Han and Shavitt, 1994; Hong et al., 1987; Madden et al., 1986; Marquez, 1975).#p#分页标题#e#
There are some prove indicates that different cultures seem to emphasize different advertising appeals. For example, Japanese ads have been found to contain more emotional and less comparative appeals than US ads (Hong et al., 1987) Advertising in Chinese markets has been found to contain more useful appeals that aim on state-of-being and promises of a better life (Tse et al., 1989) than in Western cultures. Possibly because of differences in values across cultures, previous research supports with the study that advertising information is different across cultures (Cheng and Schweitzer, 1996; Wells, 1994; Culter and Javalgi, 1992; Ramaprasad and Hasegawa, 1992; Tansey et al., 1990).
品牌信息获取-Brand information obtain
Buyers are generally more involvement on different brand advertisements while they are searching information on these brands ( Ida E. Berger ,1999) .Therefore, they always become a choice target for the advertiser, provided the personal data so the advertiser can identify and locate them. ( Gîrboveanu Sorina-Raula, Craciun Liviu and Meghisan Georgeta-Madalina ,2008). The strategy that consists of asking consumers to return a coupon at the bottom of a print advertisement is often devised along these principles. Thus, a consumer who is interested to search information is asked to return a coupon in order to acquire more information on the product or the brand. Life-insurance companies using the promotional method by taking advantage on the consumers and they have to identify him or herself by sending a series of informative (and persuasive) messages or to send a salesperson who will try to conclude a sale. (Gîrboveanu Sorina-Raula, Craciun Liviu and Meghisan Georgeta-Madalina , 2008)
The amount of brand information in memory may also be subject to advertisers' decisions. Such content can differ in a number of vital ways including the proportion of feelings, beliefs, inferences, sensory items, and others. Kardes (1988) and Stayman and Kardes (1992) showed that by exclude explicit conclusions from advertisements, viewers could be induced to generate their own inferences.
为一个特定的品牌减少不确定性-Reduce uncertainty of the attribute for a specific brands
A second series of implications that this analysis of the buyer decision process has for advertising is that an advertiser must decrease the buyer's uncertainty about the distinctive attributes of the brand. (Gîrboveanu Sorina-Raula, Craciun Liviu and Meghisan Georgeta-Madalina, 2008).
编码品牌信息-Encode brand information
Advertisements help the individuals to encode brand information. Viewers may develop brand and attitude representations in memory with more associates with the information provided or when information is repeated. The amount and kind of information appear in memory may affect the confidence with which an attitude is held (see in particular Berger, 1992; Berger & Mitchell, 1989; Krisbnan & Smitb, 1998).Advertising exposures may help to elaborate on previously encoded information and thus develop a strong linkages of the brand in the customer mind.(Chaiken et al., 1995; Norman, 1975;Rosenberg, 1968).
The impact of advertising on consumer behaviour is unavoidable, consumer generally have a quite negative attitudes towards it because the consumer are hard to believe or trust on the advertising information.(Greyser and Reese,1971) .According to Haller(1974) conclude that, the customer are not understand well on the presentation ,and annoyed by the timing and advertising appeal. Negative attitude towards advertising will influence the purchasing decision on life insurance.
According to this study, the independent variables of service quality, brand , advertising, social influence and demographic have a positive relationship with the purchasing decision on life insurance.

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