
Business Coursework格式范文:International Trade, Labour Productivity and Competition

论文价格: 免费 时间:2023-09-18 13:32:12 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Business Coursework格式范文-国际贸易、劳动生产率与竞争。本文是一篇留学生商务管理课程coursework格式范文,主要内容是针对coursework提出的相关问题,如为什么各国要进行贸易,比较优势理论,要素禀赋与劳动生产率相关概念,保护主义和保护方法,下面就一起来看一下这篇Business Coursework格式范文的具体内容。


1. Why countries trade 为什么各国要进行贸易

There are several reasons due to which countries do trade with other countries. They are as follows:-各国与其他国家进行贸易有几个原因。它们如下:

Generates revenue: – The main reason for which the countries do trade is that it generates revenue through duties being imposed on goods which are imported in the country.产生收入:各国进行贸易的主要原因是通过对进口商品征收关税来产生收入。

Gives Comparative advantage: – Trade amongst the countries gives comparative advantage to them i.e. it encourages the nations to manufacture goods and services which they can produce more effectively and efficiently.提供比较优势:国家间的贸易为它们提供比较优势,即鼓励各国制造能够更有效生产的商品和服务。

Lowest opportunity cost: – It also encourages countries to produce those goods which have lowest opportunity cost and at the same time encourages them to import goods which have more opportunity cost from other countries.机会成本最低:它还鼓励各国生产机会成本最低的商品,同时鼓励它们从其他国家进口机会成本更高的商品。

Economies of Scale: – When countries range narrows in terms of producing goods and services then efficiency and effectiveness increases even more and country can produce those goods in high volumes with less cost which eventually helps the countries in achieving economies of scale.规模经济:当各国在生产商品和服务方面的差距缩小时,效率和有效性会进一步提高,各国可以以更低的成本大量生产这些商品,这最终有助于各国实现规模经济。

Breaks down monopolies: – When country comes into trade with other countries then new entrants enter into the countries domestic market, which gives increases the competition for the domestic market. The humans have a tendency that they do not try to innovate new methods until the time they do not face any competition. Such competition has two benefits firstly the quality and innovative goods are produced by the business firms. Secondly it finishes i.e. breaks down the domestic monopolies and eventually it helps the country’s consumers.打破垄断:当一国与其他国家进行贸易时,新的进入者就会进入该国的国内市场,这增加了对国内市场的竞争。人类有一种倾向,在不面临任何竞争之前,他们不会尝试创新新方法。这种竞争有两个好处:一是企业生产出高质量的创新产品。其次,它完成了,即打破了国内垄断,最终帮助了该国的消费者。

Increase in Employment: – Trading amongst the countries lead to more production of goods and services. More the production more employment needs to be done to cope up or meet out the deadlines of the export order.就业增加:各国之间的贸易带来了更多的商品和服务生产。生产越多,就需要更多的就业来应付或满足出口订单的最后期限。

All these factors encourage a country to do trade and achieve better economy.


2. Comparative advantage 比较优势

Theory of Comparative Advantage: – Theory of comparative advantage lays down that it helps the country in producing only those goods which they can produce with lowest opportunity cost as compare to the other countries and at the same time encourages them to import those goods whose opportunity cost would have cost them high if they would have produced them in their own country.


It was David Ricardo in nineteenth century that with the help of a numerical example showed the benefits of the comparative advantage. Before this countries early logic related to free trade could be advantageous was based on absolute advantage. Ricardo in his example showed that suppose there are two countries England and Portugal. If England is good in producing cloth with low cost whereas the same good production cost high to Portugal and on the other hand Portugal is  good in producing wine whereas the wine production cost high to England. So it will be relatively beneficial for both the countries to produce only those goods which cost them less in high volumes and to buy the other good from other country rather than making it on a high cost this way it increases the production of a particular good at global level and encourages the country to buy those goods or commodities from other countries at cheaper price rather than producing them at high cost. This way Ricardo showed the advantageous side of the comparative advantage to the countries.


Assumptions behind Comparative advantage: –比较优势背后的假设

There are two countries. Let the two countries be X and Y.有两个国家。让这两个国家是X和Y。

They produce the same two goods or commodities. Let the two goods be A and B. The nature of quality of these goods in both countries is similar.他们生产相同的两种商品。假设这两种商品是A和B。这两个国家的商品质量性质相似。

The main factor of production is labour, which should be homogeneous and unchanged.生产的主要因素是劳动力,劳动力应该是同质的和不变的。

The resources should not be mobile between countries.资源不应在国家之间流动。

The production of a good should be subject to equal return.商品的生产应获得同等回报。

There should be no transport cost between two countries.两国之间不应该有运输费用。

Productivity for same good will vary between two countries.相同商品的生产率在两个国家之间会有所不同。

3. Factor endowment and labor productivity要素禀赋与劳动生产率

Factor endowment: – It is a major factor which impacts the country’s economy by payingmore attention specialized goods which have low opportunity cost as compare to other goods. When we talk of lower opportunity cost of particular good in a country then it means low opportunity cost in terms of the other nations of same good. This is what we call comparative advantage of a country over other nations in terms of production of some specialized product. Comparative advantage can arise due to abundance of raw material, due to high productivity, cheap or highly skilled labor, or may be land or capital and last but not the least in some cases countries achieve economies of scale. The most affecting and simple form of example with respect to the land could be fertile soil which gives high input of agriculture products which country like India can export and make high profits on it.


Labor productivity: – This is term given to one of the measure which is often used in economics to know the economic growth of the country. As the name suggest it is a measure of amount of goods produced by a labor in one hour. Growth in labor productivity depends on investment and saving in physical capital, new technology, and human capital.


How it is measured: – The real GDP (gross domestic product) of an economy divided by the aggregate hours of labor in the country gives per labor of hour.


Importance of measuring labor productivity: – It is very much important to measure and know how much the growth in the country’s labor productivity is, as it shows the living standard in respect of the consumption. As the only reason in the growth of labor productivity could be the increase in number of hours they worked in a year and that is only due to the high production of goods. So more the labor productivity more will be the production of the goods and so it will boost the country’s caliber to export the extra produced goods to other nations and gain profit.


4. Protectionism and methods of protection 保护主义和保护方法

It is a method or a measure a country uses to protect its domestic market from unfair competition which from foreign industries. No doubt country uses it for the welfare of its own and it works out to be a good for short run. But eventually with the span of time it makes the domestic market more lethargic and less innovative. Humans have a tendency they do not work hard until they get some competition. So such kinds of competitions are good up to an extent as it favors the citizens of country in terms of production of qualitative and innovative goods.


Methods generally used as protectionism:-通常用作保护主义的方法:

Firstly, by increasing the tariffs and tax on the imported products into the country which eventually makes the imported product less competitive as compare to the domestic one because they cannot match the price of the local products due to high paid tariff and taxes on the goods. Secondly, by subsidizing the local producers. That lowers the cost of their product. This method works two ways i.e. for domestic industry and even for the export sector as they have to pay less shipment cost. Thirdly, the countries also impose quotas on the imported goods which bound the foreign countries to export certain product only up to some extent. This works even well than the other two, so no matter how low they sell they can harm the local industries only up to a certain extent of time. And fourthly, also sometimes country deliberately lower their currency’s so that they can make their export cheaper and more competitive in global market.

So, protectionism plays a vital role as a protection tool in country’s international trade to save its domestic industry from foreign industries.

References 参考文献

amadeo, K. (2017, january 20). trade protectionism. Retrieved feb 14, 2017

Economics Online. (n.d.). Why do countries trade. Retrieved February 8th, 2017

Investopedia. (2015, april 16). How to factors endowment impact a country’s comperative advantage. Retrieved feb 14, 2017

Investopedia. (n.d.). Labor Productivity. Retrieved feb 14, 2017

Suranovic, S. M. (2015, december 1th ). International trade theory and policy. Retrieved february 8th, 2017





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