
HRM Coursework范文:Impact of Salary Increase on Employee Motivation

论文价格: 免费 时间:2023-09-28 11:41:13 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

HRM Coursework范文-加薪对员工激励的影响。本文是一篇留学生人力资源管理课程作业Coursework范文,主要内容是讲述也许激励和留住员工最重要的因素之一是加薪。本篇Coursework通过2010年的一项研究发现,27%的高技能员工对目前的工作报酬不满意,他们计划最终辞职,寻找报酬更高的工作。然而,公平分配加薪,同时不在员工中造成薪酬不公平感,同时遵守预算,对主管和经理来说绝对不是一件容易的事。Coursework提出传统的人力资源实践表明,使用基于绩效的标准来确定加薪是最合理的方法。然而,作为一个明智和善解人意的经理或主管,在决定加薪时应考虑其他信息,如家庭情况和员工的工作关系。以下就是这篇HRM Coursework范文的具体内容,供参考。


Perhaps one of the most important factors to motive and retain employees is salary increase. A study in 2010 found out that twenty seven percent of highly skilled employees were not satisfied with the current monetary compensation for their works, and they planned to quit their job eventually to find higher-paying jobs. ( Snell, & Bohlander, 2013, p.438). However, distributing salary raise fairly while not creating sense of pay inequity among the employees and following the budget at the same time is definitely not an easy task for supervisors and managers. The conventional human resources practice suggests that using performance-based criteria to determine the raise is the most justifiable method. However, as a wise and understanding manager or supervisor should take other information such as family circumstances and employee’s working relationships into account when determining salary raise.

There are two way to apply the merit-based raises: the percentage method and the actual amount of dollars. (BizFilings.com, 2012). For the percentage method, I will rank employees’ performance and determine the raise percentage each person gets using that rank


For example 例如


According to the table I made above, Janet (who makes $41,000) and Paula (who makes $28,850) will get the raise of $2050 (41,000*5%) and $1425 (28,850*5%) respectively based on their performance appraisals. Russell whose performance was average will receive $720(36,000*2%); Rick whose performance was above average will get $840(28,000*3%). Assuming Jack will also get the raise of 2% even though his performance was below average, then he will get $625 (31,250*2%). In total, we will need $5,660 to give all five employee raises, which is within the budget.


The second method to calculate the merit-based raise is to use the actual amount of dollar. I will take the total amount of budget and divide by the number of employees to find the average pay raise. I would still use the job performance to rank the employees. The employee who is in the middle of the rank will receive the average raise, the two employees who are ranked higher will get higher ratio of average raise, and the remaining two employees will get lower ratios.


The average raise: $5,780 / 5 = $1,156 平均加薪:5780/5=1156美元


Even though the two methods are legitimate ways to calculate pay raises. There are some distinguish differences to them



With the percentage method, because Janet’s base salary was so high, she would receive more than $2,000 which is 50% more than Paula’s even though their performances are the same. This would definitely cause other employees to raise their eyebrows; they would think she receives more because she has children. Paula’s raise will also be too high, her relationship with other employees was already not so good, and this could make other employees feel uncomfortable. We also have to make the choice whether to give Jack a raise or not, if we do how much should be enough? It’s not easy to make everyone satisfied if we choose the percentage method. After all, a merit-based system only works if everybody believes in its fairness. In conclusion, I think using the amount of dollars method is the safest choice. Not only will nobody be left out, but we can also make sure the budget is utilized to the fullest.

本篇HRM Coursework范文根据百分比法分析到,由于Janet的底薪太高,她将获得2000多美元,这比Paula多50%,尽管他们的表现相同。这肯定会引起其他员工的不满;他们会认为她得到更多是因为她有孩子。宝拉的工资也太高了,她和其他员工的关系本来就不太好,这可能会让其他员工感到不舒服。我们还必须选择是否给杰克加薪,如果我们加薪多少就足够了?如果我们选择百分比法,要让每个人都满意并不容易。毕竟,只有在每个人都相信其公平性的情况下,基于功绩的制度才能发挥作用。总之,我认为使用金额法是最安全的选择。不仅没有人会被遗漏,而且我们还可以确保预算得到充分利用。本站提供各国各专业Coursework范文以及Coursework写作辅导,如有需要可咨询本平台。


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