澳洲代写assignment 代写英国assignment Assignment格式 如何写assignment

Royal Agricultural College:British assignment英国皇家农业学院课程论文写作要

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-10-16 11:07:08 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

這部份是 這份論文的要求重要的部份

1. Every business transaction is accompanied by a number of documents e.g. a quotation or a purchase order; it is these documents that provide the information that is subsequently recorded in the businesses books and accounts.
a. Using examples, describe the content of each of these business transaction documents. [40 marks]

Suggestedinitial reading
Cox, D., Fardon, M. and Portsmouth, D.(1998)  Business Record keeping - a guide to book keeping and payroll and stock control (3rd edition).  Worcester: Osborne Books.

Fardon, M. (2002)  Computer accounting - a practical guide for Sage accounting courses.  Worcester: Osborne Books.

Marshall, P. (2010) Mastering book-keeping – a complete guide to the principles and practice of business accounting.  Glasgow: Bell and Bain Ltd

McLaney, E. and Atrill, P. (2010) Accounting, an introduction.(5th edition).  Harlow: Prentice Hall

Learning outcomes tested:
Understand and apply basic accounting conventions.
Prepare and interpret financial statements of sole traders companies.

Marking criteria:
Assessments are marked according to College Policy using the current marking criteria for assignments.

Referencing / academic misconduct:
All work must be referenced properly to avoid charges of plagiarism or cheating using the referencing system described in the Harvard Referencing Guide (mini Harvard Guide attached) and in accordance with the current RAC Academic Regulations.

Support Documentation:
All guidance, marking criteria and regulation documents are available from the College intranet.

The College uses the Harvard System for referencing (sometimes referred to as the Author-Year or Name-Date system). When referencing it is important to remember that:
• acknowledgement must be given when quoting, citing or summarising other people’s work.
• enough information must be provided in the list of references to enable a reader to trace the original source.
• referencing should be consistent.
All your written documents, essays, reports and dissertations must include references to the sources of information you have used.   These references will be cited both within the text and in a list at the end of the work.   Correct referencing will help you to avoid plagiarism, i.e. passing off other people’s words and ideas as your own.

Referencing within the text
You must always acknowledge the source of any direct quotation or illustration, as well as the source of any more general references you may make. This will usually be done immediately following the quotation or relevant passage of reference, within the text.

Use only the surname of the author (only use initials if there is more than one author of the same name) followed by the year of publication. If a quotation is cited, also indicate the page number(s) on which it may be found, e.g.:
Smith (1983) has used this particular technique
Application of this particular technique (Smith 1983) indicates…
It is claimed that, ‘Severe degradation of the water system could be a significant constraint to growth in the Nile region’ (Singleton 1992: 251).

Nothing else is needed for referencing within the text – only author surname(s), publication date and (sometimes) page numbers. There are a very few exceptions and these are covered in the more comprehensive Harvard Guide available from the library.
List of references cited

This is a list of works that you will have used as sources of information or inspiration. It consists of a single list in alphabetical order by author's surname, or institutional name (or title where no name is given). 

For books and pamphlets the basic pattern is:

Surname(s), Initials(s). (Year) Title (in italics or underlined).Edition (if given).Publisher.
e.g. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing management. 12th ed. Pearson Education.

[NB you do not need to give an edition statement if it is a first edition]

For journal articles the basic pattern is:

Surname(s), Initials(s). (Year) Title of article.Name of journal.Volume(part number): pages.

e.g. Partington, M. (2006) Housing: proportionate dispute resolution. Landlord and Tenant Review. 10(3): 81-84.

For Internet sources such as an e-book the basic pattern is:

Author (Year) Title.[online]. Publisher. Available from: URL [date accessed].

e.g. Anglia Ruskin University. (2006) Harvard system of referencing. [online]. Anglia Ruskin University. Available from:
  [Accessed: 27/07/06].

For Internet sources such as an e-journal the basic pattern is:

Author (Year) Title of article.Journal title. [online] volume (issue), pagination. Available from: URL. [Date accessed].

e.g. Horesh, R. (2002 Sept) Better than Kyoto: climate stability bonds. Economic affairs.[online]. 22(3):48-52 Available from:
[Date accessed 30.9.08].

For Internet sources such as a web page the basic pattern is:

Author (Year) Title of web document or web page. [online] Available from: URL. [Date accessed].

e.g. DEFRA (2008) Climate change and energy. [online] Available from:  [Date accessed 30/09/08].

The publication date of a website could be, for example, the date it was last updated. This is often shown at the foot of a web page. If no date is given put (no date).

If a web page has no identifiable person or organisation that you can cite as the author, then you ought to be asking yourself whether it is a resource you should be using anyway. If you decide to go ahead, then use the web page’s title in place of the author name.

For other types of material follow the examples given in the main Harvard Guide available from the Library, or borrow Cite Them Right, copies of which are in the library at B 808.02 PEA.

A word of caution before citing Internet resources

More and more work is being published online and electronically and again you should follow the Harvard system as closely as possible as shown above. However, before you cite an Internet source make sure that you have asked the same questions of it as you would of a textbook or journal article, such as:

• Is it a reliable source of information? How do you know?
• Who is the author and what ‘authority’ does he/she have?
• Who is the intended readership?
• Does the information show a particular bias?
• Is the information up-to-date?
• Will it pass academic scrutiny?


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