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英国留学生定制assignment需求:There is no alternative to globaliza

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-03-04 16:21:47 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


题目一定要是:There is no alternative to globalization


The purpose of this paper is to assess the following claim: There is no alternative to globalization as we are now experiencing it. First, the paper will discuss   A   . Then, the paper will discuss B  . Third, the paper will discuss C  .Fourth, the paper will discuss  D  . The paper will conclude that there is no alternative.
(这个A,B, C, D 这几个方面可以是economy  education culture 和其他方面 但是一定要围绕在There is no alternative to globalization 这个的基础上谈这几个方面 答案要是肯定的no alternative 然后discuss)

This part of the paper will discuss A by considering 1, 2, 3, 4

Discussion of 1
Discussion of 2
Discussion of 3
Discussion of 4

Transition to next section
  This part pf the paper will discuss B

Transition to next section
This part pf the paper will discuss C

Transition to next section
This part pf the paper will discuss D

Transition to conclusion
Conclusion: there is no alternative to globalization as we are now experiencing it. (再稍微的discuss 些)

这篇论文最重要的就是There is no alternative to globalization as we are now experiencing it. 一定要这个claim为主旨 再在其中一些方面去阐述。给出例子 证据 等等。

一定不要直接引用 如果要引用他人观点的话 一定要把人家的话用自己的话表述 然后在引用话后面加上括号 在里面写上作者的last name 和 年份。文中的引用一定要和最后的reference 的一致   这个很重要 不要直接引用别人的话 否则就是抄袭

Reference至少要20个 一定不能少于这个数目  格式是APA 以book 和academic journal 为主 其他报纸 杂志网站资源为附  作者的last name 在前 first name 在后,然后是括号里写书出版年份  之后是书名 书名第一个字母大写 其余小写 只有书名斜体 其余都正体 出版社地点 出版社名字 如果是academic journal 也一样作者的last name 在前 first name 在后,然后是括号里写书出版年份 文章名 期刊名斜体 几期几刊 最后是页数  网站资源格式同上 最后加上网址即可

全文不包括title page 和reference page 正文一定要15页 字体是 Times New Roman 字号是12

Each student will write a major research paper assessing arguments related to the "There is no alternative" argument (also known as TINA).  (About TINA:  See the first paragraph of David Korten's review of Thomas Friedman's book The Lexus and the Olive Tree.)  In other words, the purpose of the research paper is to assess the claim that "There is no alternative to globalization as it is now being experienced."  The paper must include a title page (which will not be numbered) and it must be at least 15 pages longhttp://www.ukassignment.org/daixieAssignment/daixieyingguoassignment/ (not counting the title page and "References" section).  The paper must be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-point font size with Times New Roman font style.  The "References" section must list at least twenty (20) sources.  The "References" section must list only those sources cited in the research paper; any source cited or used in the paper must be listed in the "References" section - please carefully read the "Instructions for a Formal Research Paper."#p#分页标题#e#



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