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Design Document Clients Specification

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-10-19 22:10:18 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Kate, our client from Artspace, wants an entertaining stick man animation to advertise the lastfew studios left at the new site Soars Works.
We really liked the idea of adding an animationlayer over the top of some real life recordingsto create the effect that the character in thefilm is actually drawing on the camera tocreate the scene.
Stickmen Adverts
Even though this advert is very basic, it gave us adifferent idea to create a stick animated characterwhich drags in different pieces of information aboutthe site to get the information across but with asense of humour.
This advert is linked to the Bupa idea, about creating ananimation layer over the top of some real life footage.

Advert Design 1:
Created by Nicola Eade
Within this design the stickman would jump through various scenes and rooms of the SoarWorks building. He would do this buy moving objects or pushing things to revel another sceneand entering.Below is an example storyboard for this design:
The animation would follow this kind of sequence throughout. An idea for the end could bethe stickman end up in a studio and splats paint all over a wall and the words Artspaceappear through the drips in the paint.

Advert Design 2:
Created by Greg Tress
Advert Scenarios:
Created by Jeremy Abel
Nature Documentary spoof
A short spoof that would highlight the studios that need filling as well as the starterprogrammes. The animation would have a voice-over along the lines of “http://www.ukassignment.org/ygkczy/ here we find a groupof young artists who are ready to leave their nests (school, parents’ houses, etc.) and maketheir own way in life.” They would then find the new studios and set themselves up as full-timeartists.
Film Trailer
This would be a spoof of a dramatic/action film trailer. The trailer would be similar to theconcept of the documentary spoof; some young people finishing school/leaving home to startnew lives as artists.


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