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英国伦敦时装学院时尚管理论文范文:Reflective writing

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-07-20 23:00:59 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
英国伦敦时装学院时尚管理论文范文:Reflective writing
在大三开始前的暑假,我们就被导师要求可以开始留意感兴趣的话题来作为毕业论文题目,并且写一个rationale。时尚行业瞬息万变,所以可以选择的范围也十分的广。而我一直对网络时尚比较感兴趣,所以这一次就把范围定在了这一块。随后发现网络杂志是最近的流行趋势,就把题目定为网络杂志的发展。然而在新学期开始之后,我发现在这一方面的研究没有更进一步的发展,就尝试了一些新的方向。随即一个时尚行业的新趋势吸引了我。 其中一个具有代表性的网站便是fashiolista.com。 在这个网站上人们可以浏览最新的时尚资讯,上传喜欢的fashion item 和其他consumers分享,并且和一些fashion bloggers 都有合作(这也是我发现它的方法)。这是一个完全新的行业。在随后和我的导师的交流中发现,这个题目具有很多的局限性。首先这种类型的网站很少所以这使得论文更像一个business project,更重要的是由于这个行业没有一个准确的定位,我需要花很多时间去向其他人解释这是什么,而这是很不利的,在随后的presentation中这点也被证实了。所以最后,我把范围扩大,研究对象变为uk pureplay e-retailers。市场则选择了我更熟悉的中国市场。
这篇论文有两个主要内容,一是中国网络市场,二是英国时尚网络零售商。在找资料的过程中发现,有很多的内容都可以使用,那么怎样有针对性的选择资料和把他们逻辑性的排列出来就是很重要的一点。 关于这个方面,导师Andrew真的给了我很大的帮助。他不仅提供了一些被我忽略掉的重要内容,还和我一起分析objectives使论文更有条理。让我的能力有了很大的提高。在研究调查的过程中增加了很多知识,了解到了这个行业更专业的一面。这种对行业的分析,与人的交流,还有对资料的筛选都对我今后的就业有很大的帮助。所以我认为毕业论文是一个提升自我的机会。
Before the start of summer holidays as a junior, our advisor demanded that we should begin to concern the topic we are intersted in as the title of graduation thesis and write a rationale. Fashion industry changes very fast. Therefore, the optional scope is very wide. For me, I am always interested in network fashion. Thus the network fashion is going to be my thesis topic. And then the network magazine, I found, had become the fashion trend recently. Finally the title was named “the development of network magazine”. Nevertheless, after the begining of new semester, I found that the research on network magazine hasn’t been made further progress. I tried a new research direction. At the same time, the new trend of fashion industry attracted me. One of typic websites was fashiolista.com. In this website, people can browse the latest fashion information, upload the fashion item, share them with other consumers. It also cooperated with some fashion bloggers. The new trend can be defined as a complete new industry. After talking with my advisor, the title had many limitions. First of all, because the website like this was very seldom, the thesis looked like a business project. What is more important, because there is no accurate defination of the indutry, I had to take more time to explain what the industry is, which was harmful to write a thesis. It was also proved by the presentation subsquently. At last I had to enlarge the scope and the research object became UK pureplay e-retailers. I chose the market in China because I was very familiar with the Chinese Market.
The thesis comprises of two main contents, one is the network market in China, the other is the fashion network retailer in UK. In the process of searching documents, I found many documents could be used in my thesis. But it is very crucial to select the useful documents and list the key points. My advisor Andrew did me a great favor in this aspect. He not only provided me with the important content I neglected, but also analyzed objectives with me in order to make the thesis coherent. In the process of research and investigation, I increased many knowledge and understood more profession skills on the industry. The industry analysis, the communication with different people and the document selection can be good to my future employment. Therefore, I argued that the graduation thesis was a chance to improve myself. 
The completence of this thesis was not smooth. Owing to the emergence of many problems, my progression was far behind other classmates. But my advisor Andrew always supported, encouraged me and provided me with many suggestions and help. Thanks again for his help. At the same time, my shortcomings such as time plan, effieciency were found. I realized that my capacibility still had many limitations and I hoped it can be improved in future. 

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