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经济学留学生论文指导参考:后金融危机时代经济结构调整的战略选择:After the financial crisis e

论文价格: 免费 时间:2014-08-15 16:07:33 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


Financial crisis highlighted the economic structural contradictions of our country, in order to realize the sustainable development of economy in our country, must to China's current economic structure adjustment. This article from the financial crisis after the first time the necessity of structure adjustment of economy in our country, analyses the urgency of the out of the adjustment of China's economic structure; And then to our country economic restructuring will meet the challenge of analysis; Finally, according to the characteristic of the economic development of our country, choose the reasonable economic structure adjustment strategy after the financial crisis era.
Key words: after the financial crisis; The economic structure; Adjust the
In the wake of the financial crisis, in order to achieve the healthy development of the economy in our country, we must make appropriate adjustments on our country's economic structure. After the impact of the financial crisis, reflecting China's economic structural contradiction is very prominent, the traditional economic structure and economic growth mode has not adapted to China's economic and social sustainable development, natural environment and the natural resources of our country unsustainable economic development brings the huge pressure. After the financial crisis era economic structure adjustment strategy, must be in after the financial crisis era deep grasp of the necessity of the economic structure adjustment, reasonable solve the challenges of the economic structure adjustment, then choose the reasonable economic structure adjustment countermeasures.
The necessity of economic restructuring in China after the financial crisis era
Economic structure of our country at present the contradiction of basically has the following several aspects: one is to demand structural contradiction, China's economic growth mainly through exports to foreign countries, domestic consumption did not play a proper boost growth, after the financial crisis, as foreign demand decreases, China export trade is relatively reduced, economic growth of our country caused great threat: second, imbalance of industrial structure in our country. At present in our country there are a lot of unreasonable industrial structure, the third industry development is slow, the first industry foundational status is not strong, the development of the second industry, the caused serious waste of social resources, and the development of China's economic growth mainly through simple manufacturing, coal and other industrial added value accounted for more than 68% of the added value of the economy as a whole, the third industry of the producer services develop slowly; Three elements is structural imbalance, at present our country's economic growth mainly through the invest a lot of factors of production, we didn't play enough scientific and technological progress and innovation, serious waste of resources of factors of production in our country, Four is the structural imbalance between urban and rural areas, cities in our country development speed and development level is higher, also gradually speed up the development of small and medium-sized cities, and most of the rural development in China is very slow, especially in some remote mountain areas, rather slow economic development, economic level is rather backward; Five is the regional economic structure of China is imbalance, the eastern coastal area economic development level is higher, the central and western regions economic development speed is very slow. The economic structure on the prominent contradiction of long-term smooth development of the economy in our country is very bad. In order to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of our economy, our country must adjust the economic structure in post financial crisis era, aiming at its unreasonable to suit the remedy to the case, to improve the economic structure of our country.
The economic structure adjustment of the challenges facing financial crisis era
1, the market competition. Because of the influence of the financial crisis, foreign market demand decreased obviously in our country, makes the east coast companies operating difficulties, in order to alleviate the pressure of the inventory, the eastern coastal enterprises have established the Midwest market. However, this will inevitably intensify market competition, open up the market behavior than the eastern region, central inland natural will be at a disadvantage in the competition. Central inland many enterprises in the domestic market as the main ChanXiaoDe mostly, eastern export-oriented enterprises to develop more rapidly, its abundant capital and advanced production equipment, nature makes it have strong market competitiveness, when these quality enterprises to enter the domestic market, is bound to cause very big menace to the central inland enterprise, can lead to regional economic gap is widening.
2, trade protectionism looked up. Every time in the process of international economic development, in the wake of the financial crisis, countries will implement trade protectionism, affected by the crisis countries to safeguard their own interests, multiple actions will be taken to set up trade barriers, to protect domestic industries, affected by financial crisis, and fragile in order to prevent the country to the national employment opportunities to reduce employment pressure, or to prevent domestic enterprises occupy the domestic market share. The severe international financial crisis on the economic development of many countries have brought a serious blow, the rising number of foreign trade conflicts between countries, foreign trade and the situation is very tense. Similar to other countries, a dramatic decline in China's export trade, facing the international competition is fierce in our country, our country's international trade environment aggravated the difficulty of China's economic structural adjustment, to occupy the advantage in the international market competition, we must optimize the economic structure, the optimization of economic structure, not only to solve the structural contradiction of the traditional, try to form the new pattern of economic development, a good external environment for China's economic development.
3, transformation and upgrading of industrial structure in China is facing a great pressure
For a long time, the extensive mode of economic development in our country will cause some of the "3 tall one low" project "free-rider" phenomenon, heavy industries such as steel, cement and other parts of the industrial industry production capacity is very low, but it brings great pollution to the society, energy intensive and highly polluting industries make the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure in China is facing a great pressure. From the point of the result of the economic rebound, or a larger role in traditional industry. Emerging industry did not play a proper role. The economic structure adjustment, must be implemented to effectively promote the development of emerging industry.
Specific strategic choice of the country's economic structure adjustment
1, our country economy structure adjustment must be integrated with the reality of our country
After the financial crisis, China's economic structure adjustment and the size of the size must be decided according to the actual circumstance of our country's economy. Vast area in our country, there is a big difference between level of economic development between different regions, different industries according to industry characteristics to select the area of development, different regions should fully tap the local natural and human resources, adjust measures to local conditions. In the process of economic restructuring, we must be good at using the contact point of view, by observing the industry of national economy, the internal relations between various regions and trades, to understand the law of development of the national economy. In addition, our country economy development mode and development mode abroad is a big difference, in draw lessons from foreign advanced experience in economic structure adjustment, must according to the actual situation of our country to decide, not blindly copying foreign experience, otherwise will only cause the foreign advanced experience of "water".
2, optimization of industrial structure in our country
Optimize the structure of industry of our country, we must achieve economic development mainly rely on the second belt movements rely on the first, second and third industry together to drive change. The first is to enhance the proportion of service industry. The third industry can absorb a large number of labor, solve a lot of labor employment situation. In order to meet the requirement of economic development, the realization of the rapid development of the economy after the financial crisis, we must attach importance to the development of the tertiary industry. Broaden the service areas, develop financial, industrial design, logistics, such as research and development production oriented services, but also to develop the municipal public utilities, real estate, property management service, community service and the livelihood of the people oriented services, speed up the development of tourism industry, at the same time improve the auditing, consulting, accounting, certification and other modern service organization. Secondly, for the second industry of our country, in order to promote the development of industry in China, must take a new road to industrialization, under the condition of resources and environment problem increasingly prominent, and constantly improve the industrialization of scientific and technological content, increase spending on independent innovation, and strive to break through the key technology of restricting economic and social development, to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry, eliminate backward production capacity; Improve the high-tech industry, the development of information, such as maritime space industry. In addition, also actively implement the development strategy of informatization driving industrialization, through the development of new and high technology industries, take the initiative to occupy some of the commanding heights of the industry with independent intellectual property rights, realize the leapfrog development of high and new technology industries, cultivating the leading industry of the national economy; Using high and new technology to transform traditional industries, especially the information technology to form with high and new technology industry as the forerunner, basic industries and manufacturing for support, make the informatization spurs industrialization and industrialization promotes information form. Finally, want to notice to consolidate the basic status of agriculture. The stand or fall of first industry development determines the adequacy of agricultural product supply, as well as the primary resources and energy supply can meet the requirements of economic development, the unshakable so agricultural foundation status, otherwise it will affect the survival and development of the society as a whole. With the continuous development of world economy, the agricultural products, energy and other resources demand is bigger, many countries began to compete for the shortage of resources, in order to maintain economic sustainable development in the international competitive environment, it is necessary to solve "three agriculture" problem, promote the development of agriculture. Promote the agricultural development, on the one hand, we must strengthen rural infrastructure construction, stable food production, we will continue to implement the direct subsidies to grain farmers for producing grain, strengthen to major grain-producing counties, breeding large county of fiscal support, vigorously develop the processing industry for agricultural products, promote agricultural industrialization. To develop, on the other hand, excellent, efficient, ecological agriculture as the main direction, deepen the agricultural structure adjustment. Focusing on improved variety breeding, speeds up the agricultural science and technology innovation and promotion, promoting agricultural demonstration zone construction, actively developing modern agriculture.#p#分页标题#e#
3, optimize the consumption structure
Should be based on the domestic market, it is necessary to boost domestic demand, increase domestic consumption, to promote the economic development of domestic consumption, so that you can change the way before relying on the development of manufacturing industry to expand exports, to maintain the independence of the economic development. Stimulating domestic consumption is not only a long-term strategy of economic development in China, but also an important task of China's consumption structure adjustment. Increase domestic consumption, we must intensify the national income distribution adjustment, also need the play to the role of the finance, through a variety of policies to encourage consumption, requires countries to further do a good job, home appliances, agricultural machinery purchase subsidy increase the supply of ordinary commercial housing, to meet the needs of the masses life diversification, individuation, guiding the consumption structure upgrade. In addition, optimize the consumption structure still need to pay attention to the stable external demand, while expanding domestic demand, also want to stick to expand external demand is given priority to the principle of combining and stable external demand, handle the relationship between the domestic demand and foreign demand. At present, the international financial crisis is still spreading, the export of adverse environment will also maintain a long time, in the face of such big background, handle the relationship between the domestic demand and foreign demand, can promote economic growth in China.
4, optimizing the structure of elements
Aiming at the problems existing in the Chinese factor structure, measures must be taken to save resources, rational utilization of resources, avoid waste of resources. Perfect resource pricing mechanism, is to make all kinds of resources prices reflect market supply relationship, resource scarcity and environmental damage cost, guide and motivate market main body in the full competition to save resources, improve the utilization efficiency of resources. In addition to the rational utilization of natural resources, but also make full use of science and technology, make the science and technology become the important elements of economic development. Science and technology is the first productive force. Give full play to the role of science and technology, the requirement to use technology to realize the development of economy, make scientific and technological progress the driving force for the rapid economic growth. Our country science and technology level compared with the advanced countries science and technology level, there is a big gap, the key technology of low self-sufficiency, whether it be in the first or the second industry, science and technology, utilization rate is very low. In order to change the status quo, on the one hand, should increase investment in scientific research, research and development of advanced science and technology, change the traditional mode of production; On the other hand, the relevant personnel should grasp advanced production technology, attach importance to the role of science and technology, so that the economic development of our country by relying on natural resources to rely on science and technology input transformation.
5, and realize urban and rural structure optimization and upgrading
Adjust the structure of urban and rural, urban and rural structure upgrade is to adjust the economy structure of the important aspects. Structural imbalance between urban and rural areas in our country, the development speed and development level in most of the big cities in China are high, also gradually speed up the development of small and medium-sized cities, and most of the rural development in China is very slow, especially in some remote mountain areas, economic development is quite slow, so should firmly implement the industry regurgitation feeding agriculture and cities support rural policy, gradually change the urban-rural dual economic structure, accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside, gradually narrowing the gap between urban and rural development. Collaboration between the big cities and small towns should be strengthened in our country, the implementation of science and technology, management, etc all kinds of resources, the rational flow of factors of production between cities and towns and rural resources sharing. Countries should also strengthen the major grain-producing counties, breeding large county of fiscal support, vigorously develop the processing industry for agricultural products, promote agricultural industrialization, the city should improve the acquisition of agricultural products policy, make agricultural products can convenience for sale at a reasonable price, increasing farmers' income, driving the development of rural economy. In addition, in view of the differences in the levels of urban and rural health care, education, should accelerate the construction of urban public transport and infrastructure, the construction of a number of public schools, basic medical and public service facilities, strengthen urban to rural residents can also convenient to go to a doctor and accept education, gradually less gap between urban and rural public service.
6, adjust the regional economic structure
Because our country regional different geographical position and history, unbalanced regional economic development in our country more and more serious problem. Adjust the regional economic structure must be based on the characteristics of various regions. Differentiation of regional economic development policy, give full play to the regional economic advantages, realize the common development of regional economy. Aiming at the characteristics of slow economic development in western China, countries should step up economic investment, promote the economic development in developed regions, promote the rational flow of science and technology, management and other resources, share resources of factors of production between regions. Eastern Midwest to undertake industrial transfer and the local structural adjustment, energy conservation and emissions reduction and sustainable development ability construction of organic combine, developing special advantage industries, create a new situation development. To carry out the national main body function area planning, form a complete set of classification regulation of regional policy.
To sum up, our country economy structure adjustment to undergo a long process, will not happen overnight, in the process of adjusting the structure, will certainly encounter resistance from all sides, successfully realize the adjustment of the economic structure in China needs the joint efforts of every one in society. Realize the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; Improve the ability of domestic consumption and make domestic consumption to pull the main factors of economic growth in China; Full use of science and technology, saving natural resources, realize the rational use of resources. Only in this way can fast recovery after the financial crisis and the development of the economy of our country.
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