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论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-07-19 14:31:14 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

指导ESSAY100 F2F Final Draft essay Grade Report
 [name and title of essay]
1) Length [5 points possible]:
[ ] 5 points: minimum 500 words, on-topic and relevant
2) Introduction and Conclusion; minimal grammar errors [5 points possible]
[ ] 5 points: Essay contains all necessary components: Introduction, paragraphs with topic sentences; one topic or theme per paragraph; each paragraph separated by a single blank line, conclusion. No significant grammar or spelling errors.
[  ] points: Please proofread carefully for clarity of expression and meaning
3) Thesis statement: [5 points possible]
[ ] 5 points: Essay contains all necessary components: introductory paragraphs, topic sentences for each paragraph; one topic or theme per paragraph; each paragraph separated by a single blank line, conclusion. Insignificant number of grammar or spelling errors.

100 F2F Final Draft essay Grade Report
 [name and title of essay]
1) Length [5 points possible]:
[ ] 5 points: minimum 500 words, on-topic and relevant
2) Introduction and Conclusion; minimal grammar errors [5 points possible]
[ ] 5 points: Essay contains all necessary components: Introduction, paragraphs with topic sentences; one topic or theme per paragraph; each paragraph separated by a single blank line, conclusion. No significant grammar or spelling errors.
[  ] points: Please proofread carefully for clarity of expression and meaning
3) Thesis statement: [5 points possible]
[ ] 5 http://www.ukassignment.org/liuxuezuoyedaixie/daixiehelanzuoye/points: Essay contains all necessary components: introductory paragraphs, topic sentences for each paragraph; one topic or theme per paragraph; each paragraph separated by a single blank line, conclusion. Insignificant number of grammar or spelling errors.

does not support the argument you are making.

DQ: Direct quotes need to be designated as such with quotation marks enclosing the exact words taken from the source. 

G: Grammar.

IP: Introductory phrase needed for citations. Such as “According to Dr. Mooney,”

M: Meaning unclear; strive for clarity of expression.

OB: Overbroad assertion. Statement cannot be supported by the evidence presented.

P: New paragraph needed.
PTS: Paragraph is lacking a topic sentence or topic sentence is of If you include this quote you need to explain to the reader exactly how it helps to answer the Essential Question. 

S: Spelling.

SBP: Space between paragraphs needed

SIG: Why is this particular quote significant? In other words, it needs to be clear in your essay why this quotation was important enough to include in your essay and how it helps you to answer the Essential Question.#p#分页标题#e#

T: Tense confusion. For History essays, stay in the past tense.

TR: Transition between paragraphs needed.

TS: Thesis statement either absent or of insufficient clarity. You need to 指导ESSAY clearly and directly answer the Essential Question at the conclusion of your introductory paragraph.

V:  Vague / overbroad. Supporting evidence, examples needed to justify this assertion.

WC: Word choice



QOC: Quote taken out of context; you are using this quote in a way that distorts its original intended meaning. 

指导ESSAYQTL: This is quote is too long. Use only the most relevant section of the quote as it is difficult to integrate long quotes smoothly into the flow of an essay. You can paraphrase the rest of the quote in yourown words.

R: Relevance? How is this information relevant to the Essential Question?



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